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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just up the road...

I have known the Ippensen family for a long time.  They have lived just up the road from my parents for almost my entire life.  I used to have a secret admiration for Penni (the mother in the family) because she was everything that I ever wanted to be ... a counselor.  I know, I know, I am a photographer, but for those of you who don't know, I was actually a counselor first. I spent many years studying to become the best counselor I could be.  I often thought of Penni, and her success and it gave me inspiration to keep working.  I successfully completed 7 years of school to fulfill my dream, and then, I found photography.  Although I LOVE my current job, I often think of my first love and the inspiration that came from such a talented mentor. Strangely enough, I now draw inspiration from Penni for even more important reasons.  You may have noticed that she has three beautiful children, and that they are all girls.  -- It's funny how life changes things...and also how it doesn't. 

Enjoy the preview Ippensens!


  1. Ippensen's!!! What a fabulous family! Those beautiful girls are way too grown up! It seems like just yesterday I was summer sitting the girls and picking them up from swimming lessons! :)Gorgeous girls. Terrific pictures Callie, you're amazing!

    -KT (Seckman)

  2. Thanks Katie!! I love it that you check my blog...makes me feel good. =)

  3. callie-these pictures are beautiful! I love the picture with their backs to us. I can't wait for us to have a family and for you take our pictures (keep the trend going!) Matt and I need to come out to your house and see the canvas pictures sometime, too!

  4. I really like the one of the three girls by the shed (or whatever structure) where Ailaa is bent down...very awesome!! :)


  5. Thank you. Thank you. I really liked that one too, Katie. Laura, come by anytime!! It would be great to see you! 653.4585.

  6. It looks like it belongs on a CD cover :)Though I like them all!!

